تم انشاء مصنع لانتاج لب الباجاس عام 1963 واستمر تابعاً لشركة السكر والصناعات التكاملية حتى عام 1995 حيث تأسست شركة مصر ادفو 31/7/1995 بمقتضى القانون رقم 230 لسنة 1989 ولائحته التنفيذية وتعديلاتها والمعدل بالقانون رقم 8 لسنة 1997 بإصدار قانون ضمانات وحوافز الاستثمار ولائحته التنفيذية الصادره بقرار رئيس مجلس الوزراء رقم 2108 لسنة 1997 .
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Training activities and its role in the development of manpower
In line with the policy of the company's management the need to achieve efficiency productivity and raise the level of performance for employees at all levels, and specialized, and the various sectors of the company are the General Administration for Organization and Training organized a series of training activities to achieve this goal
Organize training programs for employees within the company in various management and technical and specialized in using the latest training opportunities provided by the management company to achieve this purpose.
Causing personnel devices and specialized training centers for the finest areas of modern knowledge and the development of job skills and performance
Provide an opportunity for workers to join the scholarship of experts organized by the Institute of sugar Opportunity for workers who wish to complete their undergraduate degrees for the Graduate Diploma and Masters and PhD The organization of courses to study English, computers, marketing programs and different programs of study in many areas at the Institute of preparing leaders of the Council of Ministers
Provide an opportunity for students of the Faculty of Engineering Science and students of technical secondary schools industrial visit Msalna the company and training and to refine their skills and development and by providing these services, training and supervising a group of specialists and institutional Helen scientifically and practically holding specialized training courses in these areas
The company has to establish a center for training to be a center for training employees of the company and to serve the area surrounding the plant and members of the staff became
concerned that our highest level of technology and the Centre consists of: -

Training room:
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and used in lectures for industry and training of personnel in various fields.
Exhibition hall:
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the use in holding important meetings and presentation of content recorded on computers and also held important meetings with the hosting of foreign experts to view the possibilities for their companies to help with our company in various aspects of the industry.
Computer room:
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Equipped with a number (10) computer.
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Equipped with the latest scientific references for the pulp and paper.
مصر ادفو