تم انشاء مصنع لانتاج لب الباجاس عام 1963 واستمر تابعاً لشركة السكر والصناعات التكاملية حتى عام 1995 حيث تأسست شركة مصر ادفو 31/7/1995 بمقتضى القانون رقم 230 لسنة 1989 ولائحته التنفيذية وتعديلاتها والمعدل بالقانون رقم 8 لسنة 1997 بإصدار قانون ضمانات وحوافز الاستثمار ولائحته التنفيذية الصادره بقرار رئيس مجلس الوزراء رقم 2108 لسنة 1997 .
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Misr Edfu is one of the national companies in manufacturing pulp and bleached and unbleached paper writing and printing of the grams and different sizes.

The company has achieved widespread where he became one of the major paper suppliers, both local companies and media organizations, printing presses and some government departments, and externally, where the company is the export of paper, either to sell directly to importers or through local distributors for paper company in the Arab and African countries
The company is Egypt Edfu to produce the core of Large-Scale Bagasse ovarian and non-bleached, which is produced from Bagasse cane sugar (bagasse), and the production of writing paper and printing of the grams per 40 gm - 55 gm, 60 gm, 70 gm, 80 gm, 100 gm and sizes different.

The company is Egypt Edfu Her excellence in the production of paper of 50 grams, which is used in the brochure, Akoshkol and print the textbook. And externally, where the company is exporting paper either sell directly to importers or through local distributors for paper company in the Arab and African countries
Misr Edfu