تم انشاء مصنع لانتاج لب الباجاس عام 1963 واستمر تابعاً لشركة السكر والصناعات التكاملية حتى عام 1995 حيث تأسست شركة مصر ادفو 31/7/1995 بمقتضى القانون رقم 230 لسنة 1989 ولائحته التنفيذية وتعديلاتها والمعدل بالقانون رقم 8 لسنة 1997 بإصدار قانون ضمانات وحوافز الاستثمار ولائحته التنفيذية الصادره بقرار رئيس مجلس الوزراء رقم 2108 لسنة 1997 .
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Industrial Security
Because fire is the most important treats inside the industry establishment for the great consequential losses the industrial production in case it happens.
Since the industrial production is the first support of national income it was unavoidable to establish a developed fire station to protect the company’s product and paper material against fire equipped with highly qualified staff means of modem extinguishers such as suction pumps ,widespread foams , multipurpose powder and system surrounding the whole company .
Recently the company partly applied early warning and automatic fire system to develop fire and civil defense plane . The company keep staff trained on modern programs of safety and occupational health to avoid risks and occupational diseases .
مصر ادفو